Bethany And Dimitry choose to have their wedding in the vast open highlands of Bimbadgen Palmer’s Lane in the Hunter Valley. The cool crips mountain air here on a sunny day provides a nice, yet different aesthetic.
The windows here had a nice modern art feel to them. We saw some more of this in the artwork. Nice juxtaposition with the natural surroundings.
Some of the brides’ personal effects, this time under a veil, as is appropriate for a bride. We should do this more often.
The brides dress against some modern artwork. We are impressed by both.
The wedding ring against a natural flower arrangement, another interesting contrast.
Preparing the bride with the bridesmaid at the start of the big day. Matching outfits look great. Even matching slippers.
And why shouldn’t they get excited by sharing champagne.
With pizza, because that is good taste.
A single necklace can look very refined. A wedding dress can look so elegant with just a few well-chosen accessories.
And with the wedding bouquet.
The bride reflected in a mirror, reflecting on her day ahead. The bride sees here self in the mirror and realises how she appears to everybody else.
Just the bride and her dress, enough to look great in a photo.
Outside with the bridesmaids. Nice matching dresses again, that contrast with the bride’s dress
The Groom’s bouquet.
The groom in a suit is enough to look impressive.
An outdoor wedding venue for the ceremony. The white flowers and furnishings looked great. Even the white petals on the ground.
The bride and groom walk down the aisle
Bride and groom together as a couple. We are spoilt for great scenery and places for the couple to pose.
It’s tricky to photography into the sunlight, but it can work to good effect.
Under the bride’s veil, because it gives a sense of intimacy.
A private chauffer driven car with an open view.

The bride against some of the more rustic wooden elements of Bimbadgen Palmer’s Lane.
Inside the reception hall. A wonderful atmosphere that managed to be elegant yet friendly at the same time.
The wedding cake. A different look, not the pure pristine white of others. But we really like the result.
Candlelight and fine place setting makes for a grant dining experience.
Capturing a playful, spontaneous moment on front of the wedding cake.
And a private moment between the happy couple.
And the Send-off at the end of the might, amid sparklers and confetti.
We all wish Bethany and Dimitry the best for their future together.