Wedding Photographer Sydney
There is a first time for perhaps everything. If we are talking about wedding photography then our first time was probably for a friend or relative. Perhaps we showed some talent for photography, and they asked us to do their wedding shoot. Or perhaps they already had a professional wedding photographer, and we were just there to take some extra photos, because there was no reason not to, as long as we didn’t get in the way.
Chances are we took a lot of photos at the wedding, and while a few turned out well most of them didn’t compare with the images we saw from the professional wedding photographer. So why was there a difference in quality, or at least in consistent quality?
A wedding tends to be a little bit of a rush, a bit of a stress. Even if it is well planned, and everything goes to plan, the emotions are high. I’m not sure I’d have it any other way. But this can mean it is hard to keep a level head when taking photos, especially when you haven’t done this before. And the hectic nature of the day means we might miss more than a few good photo opportunities. So perhaps advice from the experienced can help.
- Know if you are taking on too much, and perhaps turn down a large event and try a few smaller events first. Get some experience photographing groups of people and some portraits.
- Scout out the event before the day. Find some good spaces for group photos, good spaces for photographing the married couple. Find a good place to capture the couple at the altar.
- Remember that light conditions will change during the day.
- Learn to work with people. In some parts of the wedding day you will need to organize large group photos. People will happily cooperate if you know how to work with them.
- Understand you are to be invisible. Your camera captures the images of the day without being seen. And you should remain unseen during the ceremony. Hide in the shadows and capture the light.
- Start before the wedding, can capture the preparation. Images of the bride and bridal party before the event are part of the narrative.
- Take macro shots of the ring, the bouquet, every little detail.
- Have more camera memory and batteries than you will need.
- Shoot all images in RAW, the highest pixel count. This gives more options for latter if you Photoshop and crop the images.
- Learn about Photoshop, which can make all the difference to the final image.
- Dress for the job. Almost every wedding is formal, so dress formal. But have comfortable shoes because you will be moving about all day.
Wedding Photographer Sydney
Your wedding is a once in a lifetime event. Capture it forever with professional wedding photography.